#Hacker’s Journal

This describes latest topics in cyber security to enhance the knowledge base to plug up the security holes.

Blogs - Hacker's Security


ChatGPT Security Risks Penetration Testing Essentials

ChatGPT Security Risks: Penetration Testing Essentials

ChatGPT, the powerful language model from OpenAI, has taken the world by storm. Its ability to generate realistic and coherent …

Top Cloud Security Threats 2024 and How to Stop Them

Top Cloud Security Threats 2024 and How to Stop Them?

Introduction Imagine waking up to news headlines detailing a massive data breach affecting a leading multinational corporation. As we witness …


Beyond Automation: The Human Touch in Building a Successful DevSecOps Culture

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of security measures has become paramount for organizations across industries. The DevSecOps …

7 Signs Your Business Needs Penetration Testing

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are increasingly reliant on technology to operate efficiently and effectively. However, this reliance also exposes …

The Role of Automation in Streamlining Web Application Pentesting Processes

The Role of Automation in Streamlining Web Application Penetration Testing Processes

Web application penetration testing is a critical aspect of cybersecurity, aiming to identify and address vulnerabilities in web applications before …

Why SecGaps?

Quickly respond to and fix security incidents

Adapt your security strategy using a threat-informed methodology

Test and evaluate your security measures against the appropriate risks

Obtain information through digital forensic analysis and expert testimony in court

Let’s Secure